Gala Narezo is a meditation teacher, facilitator, artist, activist, and mother who has been meditating for over thirty years.
Meditation has been the one thing that has consistently helped her feel healthy and productive throughout her life.
She has studied meditation, contemplative and healing practices, breath and body work and life cycle traditions from the perspectives of Taosim, Hinduism, Buddhism, Qi Gong, Chinese martial arts, Yoga, Pranayama, and Mesoamerican cosmology. She is continually looking for ways to incorporate meditation, healing rituals and reflective practices into everyday life to thrive and grow.
She recently finished a masters degree in art education where she focused on incorporating mindfulness to expand educational frameworks and offerings. Her work in art education combines reflective practices, creativity, and social change to design transformational curricula and processes.
Her Mexican-American heritage has given her the gift of calling both New York City and Mexico City home. Much of her teaching is based in Tibetan Buddhist traditions and Mexican indigenous practices. She has learned from many teachers who she is deeply grateful to and for.
Degrees and Certificates: Yale University, BA Fine Art / Art Center College of Design, BFA Photography / City College of New York, Masters Art Education
Mindfulness Teacher Training - The Interdependence Project / Mindful Schools Certificate / Presencing Foundation Program Certificate, Arawana Hayashi / Pranayama Teacher Training - Linda Oshins / Circle Facilitation Training We Are Open Circle / Curanderismo Apprenticeship Bob Vetter & Laurencio Lopez-Nuñez
These are teachers, influences and community members
who have made our path so rich and rewarding.
“The space Gala provided to listen and reflect led to the necessary changes I needed to balance my life, my interests and my responsibilities.”
— Morning Meditation participant